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Interested in seeing your own design on a T-shirt, coaster, pin or a sticker?

We offer a *New* service to our customers, all you need is to submit the following:

For T-shirts design and Stickers:

- your design MUST be similar to our type of designs in shape, meaning that its needs to be a vector art/clip art design like our designs, we cant print full images and colorful ones.

-its possible to print words and sentences designed by you, or you can send us the word or the sentence you would like to see on the t-shirt and we can design it and print it exclusively for you .

please fill out this form and send it so we can start processing your request.

For Coasters and Pins:

- you can send us anything that you want including fully colorful images and we can print on a coaster or a pin as your request.

please fill out this form and send it so we can start processing your request.



- The uploaded file must be either PDF or PNG for the t-shirt and sticker design (Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop type of files are also accepted)

- High quality image/design (low quality won't be accepted)

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